We welcome you to St. Anne’s and we invite you to please join with us in our mission to “Grow in Christ’s Love and Share it with All.”
We come together as a community to respond to God’s calling in each of our lives. Our life and fellowship in Christ begins in our Sunday worship. We gather to hear God’s word read from scripture, encounter God’s love in the Good News and find our lives transformed by God through Jesus Christ in our communion.
We experience the love and healing power of God and respond by providing care and compassion to one another and by reaching out to those in need. We belong to a community that is based on support of one another to grow deeper in our faith, so that in turn we may serve Christ in our community and the world.
Each one of us has come from a very different starting point of faith. This blending of cultures is seen as Gods’ work among us.
If you are searching for God in your life, we invite you to pause for a moment and come experience God’s love here at St. Anne’s. We welcome your presence and questions of faith.